I Guess They Were Wrong

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

He must be a totally honourable man if two years of investigation and countless articles by the “Fake News Media” failed to get him indicted. Someone has to eat a truckload of humble pie. Yep, the libtards really got reamed on that one, didn’t they? How dare they try to pillory a man who’s brought the USA back to respectability on the world stage. Who’s got the economy up and creating millions of jobs through his hard work and charisma.

How could they do this to a man who clearly puts his country and its people above all else? A total workaholic, self-made man, who’s given us hope in the American Dream again. I mean, he turned a simple million-dollar loan into a multi-billion dollar industry. America is a business, and it’s good to have a businessman running it. And most surely, if we have someone who knows how to build an empire through hard work and keen decision-making, then imagine how putting that to work on a larger scale can only benefit us all. Already, our taxes are lower, jobs are coming back to the US, and he’s creating world peace by standing up to those dictators around the world.

How could they have investigated a true family man who loves his wife and kids with all his heart and soul? He trusts them implicitly, that’s why he gave them all those high positions within his administration. But then he’s always made a point of hiring only the best people. He says so, so it must be true. They tried to feed us that story that he had cheated on his wife with a porn star, then had her paid off when he began his presidential bid. Why would he do that when he has such a beautiful and devoted wife?

This country hadn’t been great for about 50 years, and then this guy came along and taught us to believe again, that there’s opportunity for all of us, if we let him run the show. If he can make America this great after just 26 months in office, just think of how much greater we’ll be after NINETY-six months! He once commented on how leaders of some countries get the job for life, and that maybe they should try that in the US. Yeah, in his second term, he could create a constitutional amendment abolishing term limits so he can stay in until 2040 or so, when he’s in his mid-90’s, and then pass the presidency along to his more-than-eligible daughter.

My god, I was actually gonna try to sling this bullshit for 1000 words, but no, I’ve had enough. For the most part, what I’ve written above is a composite of similar words that I’ve seen people post in all seriousness on social media over the past couple years. I’m very disappointed with what came down over the weekend, but have a certain amount of belief that that’s not the end-all or the be-all. But His Orange Smugness feels totally vindicated, his fan base is ecstatic, and now they can get back to the more serious business of investigating Benghazi and the e-mails and the child sex ring in the pizza shop. Your vote matters more than ever next year, don’t fuck it up.

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