Journey From Hell Part 1

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

This is a two-parter, as two separate delays made a trip from Scottsdale, AZ to Tonopah, NV, a distance of 518 miles and about 8 hours drive time, go nearly 700 miles and 12 freaking hours! The two things are so unrelated, it makes sense to put them in separate stories. I left Scottsdale at […]

Comedy and Gunfire? Yeah, That Makes Sense

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

After this past Tuesday’s show at LA’s Comedy Store, a man was shot dead in front of the club’s patio area, which several of the club’s comics had the misfortune to witness. Amazingly, the shooter was able to escape, and as far as I know is still at large. Sadly, this is nothing new at […]

A truly great inspirational lady

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Today marks the 10th anniversary of my mother’s passing, amazing that the time went by so quickly, and even more amazing that my dad, who was almost a year older, is still around, though he seems to have forgotten that she’s gone. I got to see her four days before she died (oddly, my dad’s […]

My Dad Continues to Defy the Odds

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Yesterday I was informed that my aunt, my dad’s younger sister and my only direct blood relative other than him still around, passed away yesterday. I believe she was 87. In my direct family, the only other living relative is the widow of my dad’s brother. On my mom’s side, she was one of three […]

You do a gig, you get paid, right? Maybe not.

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Thank goodness I’m going to US next month and doing reputable gigs where you are paid as soon as you’ve finished the final show. That’s the way it always was back in the day, and remained for a long time. Clubs usually paid in cash, but even those that wrote checks rarely wrote bad ones. […]

Has it Really Been 15 Years?

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

As the summer of 2000 began, I was in desperate need of a change. In between freelance work as a stage manager at a theatre in Hollywood, doing phone sales and promo work for my dad’s syndicated newspaper feature, custodial work at a yoga studio, and oh yeah, a bit of comedy now and then, […]

Wasn’t quite Hell, but getting warm

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

When an agent contacted me a couple weeks ago for a resorts gig, I immediately said yes, only because it had been over a year since the last gig I’d done under his auspices. I also remembered the bittersweet experiences with the people running these venues, i.e. left hand rarely knows what right hand is […]

This Is Not Sport

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Well, it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s read my rants and raves over the years where I stand on anything that has to do with weapons that kill. I think back to the words of late comedian Skip Stephenson, who merely posed the question, “Who gets up early, drinks a beer, shoots a defenseless animal, […]

The Voice – Final Chapter

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Obviously, because I’m writing about it, my audition for “The Voice UK 2016” didn’t yield anything more than a “Thank you” and a long speech about “not giving up on your dreams.” Had I passed the audition, I’d have had to sign all sorts of contracts that would make me essentially their property until I’m […]

I’m Now Almost Scared to Voice an Opinion

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

I don’t know how some of my Facebook friends do it! Especially my liberal ones. I see almost daily a post espousing what I believe a sensible (OK, liberal!) point of view, and on its thread will be not just disagreements, but invective of some of the most vile and insulting one can imagine. It’s […]