History Of Love

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Perhaps a little misleading is the title, for I’ve been noticing lately that my blogs are showing more tendency to ramble. So the “History” will be confined to a rather vague and sketchy paragraph. My favorite lyrics ever to a love song are from Larry Graham’s 1980 Soul hit, “One In A Million You,” where […]

20 Years Ago – Initial UK Mission Aborted

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

In early 1996, things weren’t looking too promising. I’d done gigs overseas at US military bases in the two previous years, but my main booker and supporter died late in ’95, leaving nobody to continue in his place. Meanwhile, work on the home front was virtually non-existent, to the point that my then wife was […]

15 Years Ago, and a TV Career Begins and Ends

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

It was 15 years ago this week that I began my first extended run of gigs in UK, leaving shortly after New Year’s Day 2001 and not returning to LA until the end of February. Being the newcomer on the scene, nearly all the available promotional entities were lining up to find out about the […]

Bottom 10 of 2015

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

I mentioned the other day having difficulty figuring out a Bottom 10; well, part of the problem was there was one annoying trend that was so often repeated, I probably could have made a Bottom 10 from just that one genre. What we’re referring to is, at least in UK charts, the propensity to take […]

Top 10 of 2015

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

This was a hard list to put together, not because there was an incalculable amount of shite released this year, which of course there was, but to be fair, I had trouble compiling a bottom 10 as well. There was only a scant few that I can remember liking throughout their entire chart run. This […]

A Lesson In Compassion

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

I was out today for my day-after-Christmas walk, really just looking to get outside and see if the fresh air could help relieve my near-traditional Christmas holiday illness, which actually began a few days before, accelerated during my Isle of Wight gig, and sort of hit full force by bedtime Christmas Eve. I was worried […]

The Eagle Knew

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been a godsend for comedians around the world, and his latest escapade involved an American bald eagle who wasn’t comfortable in The Donald’s presence. The eagle attempted to nip at Trump’s arm while the man was posing for a Time magazine “Man-Of-The-Year” photograph (Trump was third in Time’s poll, Angela […]

What I’m Thankful For

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

Here it is again, possibly the most misunderstood holiday on the planet, only wholly celebrated in the USA, and with negative stories about its origins surfacing frequently. The latest accounting is a complete dressing down of the Pilgrims, whom we were told fled to America’s Northeastern shores in the early 17th century to escape religious […]

30 Years Ago Today, and a New Career Unknowingly Born

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

The autumn of 1985 was one of great uncertainty, as I was looking at being single on two different fronts. In September, a four-year personal relationship ended, and shortly after, my stage partner had decided to move to Sacramento in preparation for a move to Kentucky to get her Ph.D, so the act was going […]

Journey From Hell Part 2

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

When we last left me, I was on US 93 a few miles from Interstate 40 after a half hour under police scrutiny. I would wind up seeing a lot more of US 93 than I thought. My goal was to reach Tonopah, Nevada, a town of less than 10,000 up at near 6,000 feet […]