When She Was A Nice Person
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedIt was almost exactly 30 years ago today, when Roseanne Barr was gaining national acclaim for her appearances on Tonight Show and other cable comedy specials, but was a few months away from the debut of the “Roseanne” sitcom, that I met and developed a brief friendship with her. I had been working at the […]
“I Give It A Year”
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedI’ve never said that, but I’ve sure heard it said a lot in the past few months. I’d like to think a bit more optimistically for Harry & Meghan, given that Harry’s dad was the first royal to divorce since Henry VIII over 400 years ago. There’s certainly reason for people to be skeptical, as […]
My Korean Adventures
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedGreat to see the summit between Moon and Un, the aftermath of which continues to make one believe Kim Jong-Un has a human side after all. I know Trump will be bellowing incessantly, “I’m responsible for the end of the Korean War. Obama tried and failed, blah blah,” as part of another insane rant to […]
Five Years Gone, Moving On
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedOn this day five years ago, I watched someone I cared for take her last breaths, something I’d only experienced once before, and that was only watching a cat be put down. Being in the room as it transpired was sad, as Eileen was only 62, taken from us when there was still a great […]
Met Him Once, Felt Stupid, My Fault
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedActually, my encounter with David Ogden Stiers, the actor best known for playing Major Charles Winchester III on “M*A*S*H” for 7 seasons, and who passed away Saturday, was one of the more sane moments of the early-1980 evening where our paths crossed. In 1979, San Francisco’s cabaret scene was vibrant enough that a group of […]
Celebrity Meltdown Onstage – 40 Years Ago Today
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedIf it wasn’t exactly 40 years ago today, well, so be it. Unlike a post from four years ago where I told about a bad celebrity encounter, but didn’t name him until he died a year or so later (it was Adam West), this former Rock Star is still alive amazingly. The woman we’re talking […]
Top 5 and Bottom 5 of 2017
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedThis gets harder to do each year, mostly because I listen almost entirely to BBC Radio 2, which doesn’t play certain types of popular music, i.e. Hip Hop, Dance, and R&B, that comprise such a vast majority of the top selling tunes. But as sort of a catch-up, I listened to Radio 1’s countdown of […]
About 60 Years Ago Today
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedFirstly, I’ve actually made it to the age (67) where things that happened 60 years ago I’m actually able to recall in detail, and secondly, the substances I ingested in those ensuing 60 years didn’t completely destroy my ability to remember. If I’m still around 20 years from now, you can ask me again, and […]
Jongleurs Memories
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedFirst of all, in medieval France and Norman England, a jongleur was an itinerant minstrel who sang songs and told stories. That would have certainly applied to me in most of my adult life. In UK, Jongleurs was a chain of for a time very successful comedy clubs that began in 1983 with a club […]
Met Him Twice
Published by Rick on Tagged UncategorizedWhen Harry Dean Stanton passed away Friday at age of 91, thus ending a film and TV career that spanned well over six decades, many people still needed a point of reference, i.e. his picture, and then they could say, “Oh, yeah, THAT guy.” “That guy” was in 115 films and 84 TV shows, including […]