I Don’t Care Who Called Who What

Published by Rick on Tagged Uncategorized

                     A couple of days ago, one of my few avowed conservative Facebook friends posted a YouTube video of a man harassing a couple of Democratic Congresswomen, using Michael Moore tactics to try to get them to renounce comedian Bill Maher’s choice of singular noun that he called Sarah Palin.  The whole purpose of the video, and the stated purpose, according to the FB friend who posted it, was to show the hypocrisy among the liberals. How everybody on the left came down on Rush Limbaugh for referring to Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” and a “prostitute” for asking for government funding for her birth control, but nobody on the left would condemn Maher using the c-word to describe Palin. This has been a controversy in the US for most of the last week, and the liberals are the apparent victors, as it’s Rush who’s lost multiple sponsors by not making better use of the 7-second delay that radio has been employing for at least as long as he’s been on the air.

                          But let’s back up a minute! Rush Limbaugh has made irresponsbile statements on radio and television for over 20 years now, what was so OTT in this latest diatribe that caused the sponsors to back out? Actually a better question from my POV would be why did these sponsors, who apparently have something resembling a conscience, link themselves with Limbaugh in the first place? Yikes, he spoke out of turn and with little thought! Well what else is new? It was totally out of line to call a struggling student, (a LAW student no less) who happens to be sexually active and facing enormous debt once she graduates, a slut for asking for some sort of public funding to lessen her debt. She knew what she was asking for would be misconstrued, but chose to go for it. Not that she should be a decorated hero, but to be chastised in such a way merely backfired on Limbaugh, and the liberals are clicking their heels.


                           Not so fast, say the right-wingers. Bill Maher is an outspoken liberal atheist and host of “Real Time,” a political talk show on HBO which always invites a conservative to the weekly panel to add balance. On the latest episode, he had former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele on, and referred to Limbaugh as a “fat fuck.” He’s surely not the first to do THAT (though maybe the first to do it in Steele’s presence), but apparently, it was as vile for him to call Sarah Palin a c*nt in a stand-up comedy performance in front of a select 3000 who paid to hear him as it was for Limbaugh to make a rash judgement about a total stranger. Maybe the word Maher used wasn’t absolutely right. I tend to only call someone the c-word if I’ve actually MET them and have had the chance to digest their character, even if it’s for only a few seconds. As far as I know, Maher has never met Sarah Palin, but general knowledge and my strongly anti-conservative upbringing would probably force me to agree that in all likelihood, she IS one and Maher possibly had a point. The real point is he said this in front of 3000, a vast difference from the reputed 30 million who listen to Rush’s radio program, which I will grudgingly admit to having done on occasion.

                           Still, there remains that wish from the Right that Maher be denounced by the Democratic Party as vehemently as Limbaugh was for his slut comments. Chiming in from this side of the pond was Daily Mail columnist Simon Heffer (pronounced like heifer, and in Britain, calling a woman a “cow” is the equivalent to calling her a c*nt in America), who chose not to refer to Maher, Palin, or the c-word by name. He strategically lumped them in with Limbaugh’s comments and how hypocritical it was that liberals only came down on HIM, when Maher’s word, by Heffer’s reckoning, was the “foulest word in the English language.” I wouldn’t call Heffer a cow, but the other word comes to mind, and over here the word can apply to both genders.

                             Ultimately, the controversy will fade, and Limbaugh won’t lose his show, though two of his affiliates have dropped it. Whether they have permanently dropped him remains to be seen. He’s taken a little hit with loss of sponsor revenue, but for god’s sake, the man makes more money than anyone else on commercial radio, and has said enough politically incorrect things over the years to last multiple Bill Maher lifetimes. If Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Michael Savage and Bill O’Reilly wish to complain about liberal bias in the media, how come there seem to be more of those prominent assholes around? Oops, I promised myself I wouldn’t do any name-calling.   

                           And to the man in that deplorable YouTube video, you shouldn’t really expect a response from Congresswomen when you’ve just quoted the c-word to them, should you? “Come on people now, smile on your brother….” 

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